Saturday, June 13, 2020

How do Sharks identify their prey?

Sharks have electro reception, which is a keen sensitivity to electrical impulses. As fish swim around, their movement sends tiny electrical signals through the water. Sharks pick up on those signals as the water passes over a series of jelly-filled pores, which are sensory organs on their head. This electro reception allows sharks to snag prey with deadly accuracy, even in murky water. 

How does a Puma hunt?

The Puma has muscular hind legs and large paws designed for powerful leaping. From a standing position, the puma has been known to jump 15 feet vertically. With a running start, the animal can easily clear 40 feet horizontally. Pumas use this incredible skill to hunt and, quietly sneaking up on prey until they are within pouncing distance and then giving a swift and fatal bite to the neck.

Why are Bloodhounds used as police dogs?

The bloodhound has a sense of smell which is up to 1,000,000 times more sensitive than that of humans. Its nose has more than 200000,000 olfactory cells, which can lock onto an odour  and follow it for several days, despite the presence of other scents  along the way. Because of the bloodhound’s fine tuned olfactory system, it is commonly used as a police dog.

Are Sheep good at remembering things?

Sheep have very good memories. The remember up to 50 sheep and human faces for up to 2 years. They do this because they have a brain structure and neural processing which is similar to how humans memorise things. They have advanced learning capabilities and are even smart enough to cure themselves!

Do Snakes fly?

There is a type of serpent found in the forested regions of South East Asia that seems to fly. These snakes are able to flatten out their bodies, suck in their stomachs, and make a daredevil leap from the tree tops in order to travel more quickly and safely. And despite lacking wings, they can even glide up to 100 metres!

Do Bulls react to the colour red during a bull fight?

Bulls have no reaction towards any colour as they are actually colour blind. The red colour of the cape used during a bull fight is a matter of tradition, as they attack moving objects. The real reason that a red coloured cape is used is that any blood stains on it will be less noticeable!

How does a Cat hear better than any other animal?

A cat’s hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs. They have 32 muscles that control the outer ear and it can rotate its ears independently 180°, and can turn in the direction of sound 10 times faster than those of the watchdogs. 

Why a Click Beetle is called so?

The click beetle is named for the clicking sound it makes while lifting itself from an upside down position. It bends its head and prothorax backward and then straightens suddenly with a snapping motion, sometimes propelling itself as much as 15 cm into the air. 

Can Sharks swim backwards?

A shark’s pectoral fins cannot bend upwards like a fish, limiting its swimming ability to forward motion. Unlike fish, sharks cannot stop suddenly or swim backwards. They cannot simply stop and must keep swimming or it will sink. This is because they must force sea water through their open mouths and over their gills to breathe. 

Why do Crocodiles keep their mouth open?

Many times crocodiles stay on the river banks with their mouth wide open. This is not an aggressive posture indicating the swallowing of prey. This is the crocodiles way of cooling off as they sweat through the mouth.

How do Sharks identify their prey?

Sharks have electro reception, which is a keen sensitivity to electrical impulses. As fish swim around, their movement sends tiny electrical...