Saturday, June 13, 2020
How do Sharks identify their prey?
Sharks have electro reception, which is a keen sensitivity to electrical impulses. As fish swim around, their movement sends tiny electrical signals through the water. Sharks pick up on those signals as the water passes over a series of jelly-filled pores, which are sensory organs on their head. This electro reception allows sharks to snag prey with deadly accuracy, even in murky water.
How does a Puma hunt?
The Puma has muscular hind legs and large paws designed for powerful leaping. From a standing position, the puma has been known to jump 15 feet vertically. With a running start, the animal can easily clear 40 feet horizontally. Pumas use this incredible skill to hunt and, quietly sneaking up on prey until they are within pouncing distance and then giving a swift and fatal bite to the neck.
Why are Bloodhounds used as police dogs?
The bloodhound has a sense of smell which is up to 1,000,000 times more sensitive than that of humans. Its nose has more than 200000,000 olfactory cells, which can lock onto an odour and follow it for several days, despite the presence of other scents along the way. Because of the bloodhound’s fine tuned olfactory system, it is commonly used as a police dog.
Are Sheep good at remembering things?
Sheep have very good memories. The remember up to 50 sheep and human faces for up to 2 years. They do this because they have a brain structure and neural processing which is similar to how humans memorise things. They have advanced learning capabilities and are even smart enough to cure themselves!
Do Snakes fly?
There is a type of serpent found in the forested regions of South East Asia that seems to fly. These snakes are able to flatten out their bodies, suck in their stomachs, and make a daredevil leap from the tree tops in order to travel more quickly and safely. And despite lacking wings, they can even glide up to 100 metres!
Do Bulls react to the colour red during a bull fight?
Bulls have no reaction towards any colour as they are actually colour blind. The red colour of the cape used during a bull fight is a matter of tradition, as they attack moving objects. The real reason that a red coloured cape is used is that any blood stains on it will be less noticeable!
How does a Cat hear better than any other animal?
A cat’s hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs. They have 32 muscles that control the outer ear and it can rotate its ears independently 180°, and can turn in the direction of sound 10 times faster than those of the watchdogs.
Why a Click Beetle is called so?
Can Sharks swim backwards?
A shark’s pectoral fins cannot bend upwards like a fish, limiting its swimming ability to forward motion. Unlike fish, sharks cannot stop suddenly or swim backwards. They cannot simply stop and must keep swimming or it will sink. This is because they must force sea water through their open mouths and over their gills to breathe.
Why do Crocodiles keep their mouth open?
Many times crocodiles stay on the river banks with their mouth wide open. This is not an aggressive posture indicating the swallowing of prey. This is the crocodiles way of cooling off as they sweat through the mouth.
How do Hummingbirds escape predators in the sky?
No bird can attack a hummingbird in the sky because like a helicopter, it can go up, down, sideways, backwards, even upside down! The wings of the hummingbird are made of hand bones instead of arm bones giving them great flexibility. They also have muscles that power both the up and down stroke instead of just the down stroke as in other birds.
Does the colour of a Goldfish change when kept in a dark room?
The colours of fish are due to the presence of pigment cells called chromatophores which reflect or absorb light. If left in the dark for a period of time, this pigment cells are not activated and gradually change colour.
Do some Owls hunt during the day?
Different types of owls have different periods of hunting. The colour of the eyes gives indication of the time when the owl hunts. While owls with yellow coloured eyes hunt during daytime, owls with orange coloured eyes hunt during the twilight hours that is the time between dawn and dusk and owls with dark coloured eyes hurt during night time.
Why are Dolphins used for medical treatment?
The characteristics of dolphins have given rise to the dolphin assisted therapy (DAT). This has been used as a therapeutic approach to increase speech and motor skills in patients who have been diagnosed with developmental, physical and/or emotional disability such as mental retardation, down syndrome and autism. Many believe that dolphins have human like emotions and the compassion that they are able to give increases self-confidence, social skills and academic achievement in children and others who may be lacking these skills.
How do Octopuses protect themselves from predators?
Octopuses like chameleons are able to change their colour and even their skin texture to blend into their surroundings so that their enemies cannot see them. Octopuses can further hide themselves by spraying ink at an attacker. This dark makes it difficult for an attacker to see the octopus giving it time to get away. Further the ink interferes with the attackers abilities to smell which can further throw of predators like sharks that rely on their sense of smell to hunt.
What makes Penguins the fastest swimming birds on Earth?
Penguins use their wings as paddles when they are swimming, enabling them to fly through the water. Some penguins travel more than 22 miles an hour when swimming underwater making them the fastest swimming birds on earth. These large penguins can even dive down as deep as 870 feet and can stay underwater for more than 15 minutes at a stretch!
Why do Sharks bite humans and leave them?
Why do Sharks bite humans and leave them?
Most sharks like to test their prey before entirely devouring them and that’s why most attacks on humans are just a bite or two. They are known to perform test biting with many familiar and unfamiliar objects in order to determine what kind of object it might be. Humans in any case are not appropriate prey for them as the sharks digestion is too slow to cope with the humans body high ratio of bone to muscle and fat. Even if they attack humans by mistake, a death occurs by loss of blood from the initial limb injury rather than from devouring.
Are Grizzly Bears good runners?
Are Grizzly Bears good runners?
Grizzly bears are good swimmers and fast runners reaching speeds as high as 50 km/h overland. This means it can run faster than a race horse for short distances and faster than any human uphill or downhill This is because their back legs are stronger as well as longer than their front so they can propel themselves forward at amazing speeds.
How do Scorpions breathe?
Scorpions breathe in oxygen through four pairs of book lungs on the underside of their abdomen. These lungs consist of thin plates that are richly supplied with blood and extend into an internal pouch formed by the external skeleton that opens to the exterior by a small slit. This provides an extensive surface for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the surrounding air.
Do Hippos kill humans?
Do Hippos kill humans?
Hippos are considered as the most deadly animal for humans. This is because of their poor eyesight. One of the reasons hippos kill so many people per year is because the people do not know where the hippos are. Suddenly the hippos emerge in a high speed and people stand in their way, getting injured or killed.
Why an Electric Eel called so?
They get their name from the enormous electrical charge they can generate to stun prey and dissuade predators. Their bodies contain electric organs with about 6000 specialised cells called electrolytes that store power like tiny battery. When threatened or attacking pray this cells will discharge simultaneously emitting a electrical charge of at least 600 volts.
Why are Slugs used for research?
Why are Slugs used for research?
The sea slug Aplysia californica that can grow upto 16 inches long, has the biggest brain cells, or neurons, in the animal kingdom, at up to a millimetre long. These marine snails also have just 20,000 or neurons, compared with the 100 billion in people. The small numbers and large sizes of brain cells in sea slugs make the animals ideal for brain research.
Do Leopards stay on trees?
Do Leopards stay on trees?
Leopards spend a lot of their time in trees. Their spotted coat camouflages them making them blend in with the leaves of the tree. They will often drag their prey into trees to keep it from being taken by other animals. A leopard will often leave their prey up in the tree for days and return only when they are hungry!
How does an ANT carry heavy things?
The tiny ant can carry upto 50 times its own weight. What is probably the most surprising about this is the fact that the ant does not have any bones, only a horny skin to serve as a protective covering. But it does have powerful jaws which it uses to cut and carry leaves, flowers, seeds, twigs, wood, dirt, cocoons and even parts of larger animals.
Why does the Kangaroo carry its young one in its pouch?
Why does the Kangaroo carry its young one in its pouch?
The baby kangaroo called joey is born in an underdeveloped state. So they complete developing inside the pouch which gives the little kangaroo its milk, shelter and even oil to keep it moist. The joey spends its first five months in the pouch completely. At the end of this time, the joey pokes its head out, but does not venture out. Finally at eight months, the joey leaves the pouch for good.
How does the tongue of s CHAMELEON move so fast?
How does the tongue of a Chameleon move so fast?
The chameleon's tongue moves at a speed 5 times more than the speed of an F16 fighter jet. The burst of speed is produced by spiral muscles in the tongue, which contract width-wise to make them stretch forward. There is a lubricant in the tongue which allows the muscles to slide at a lightning speed.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
How can a Cockroach survive without its head?
How can a Cockroach survive without its head?
Cockroaches breathe through spiracles which are small openings on the skin. It is the spiracles and not the blood that carries oxygen to each cell of the body through a set of tubes called trachea. The brain does not c
ontrol the breathing through spiracles. Also, the cockroach does not have blood pressure and so cutting off the head does no lead to uncontrolled bleeding. So a cool temperature could allow a cockroach to last about a month without need for its head, as long as they are not infected by mould, bacteria or virus, which could kill them.
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How do Sharks identify their prey?
Sharks have electro reception, which is a keen sensitivity to electrical impulses. As fish swim around, their movement sends tiny electrical...
The bloodhound has a sense of smell which is up to 1,000,000 times more sensitive than that of humans. Its nose has more than 200000,000 olf...
The tiny ant can carry upto 50 times its own weight. What is probably the most surprising about this is the fact that the ant does not have ...
Do Leopards stay on trees? Leopards spend a lot of their time in trees. Their spotted coat camouflages them making them blend in with the le...